Bookshelf V
A one-day, non-curated show, Bookshelf provides a platform for artists to display their work and interact with other creators and the public.
All submitted books will be exhibited.
Dari Bee
digitally printed zine, sum of works I made in my sketchbook in my first year at Minerva
edition: 1, september 2024
Dari Bee
"golden rubbers in these danim packets"
digital printed zine, a personal story about sex and a relationship that never worked out (written in romanian)
edition: 1, march 2024
Mijn liefde is een booreiland dat met trots het gehele ecosysteem vernielt
My book ‘Mijn liefde is een booreiland dat met trots het gehele ecosysteem vernielt’ presents a collection of writings that have accompanied and concluded my overall artistic practice within the past year. My writings can be characterized through their poetic elements that have a confrontational yet common narrative to them. Texts that are seemingly threatening to your daily routine, as if they are attacking the reader with a moment they had no engagement in but, are now forced to experience. I wish to make the viewer feel ill with familiarities
With my texts I occupy (the literal space). I aim for my texts to be as accessible as they can be to my audience through poster pasting at night, fast spreading of stickers or short publications and letter exchanges. All should be encountered (unwillingly).
edition: one, november 2024, but since the project is still growing, variants; 'in a new jacket' may pop up later
The river runs dry
Bijna 4 jaar geleden ontstond er een unieke samenwerking tussen Peter Boersma, grafisch ontwerper en kunstenaar, en Eli Dijkers. In deze samenwerking reageert Peter met op maat gemaakte ontwerpen op beelden uit Eli’s portfolio. Deze creaties zijn exclusief voor de abonnees en zijn nergens anders verkrijgbaar. Elk kwartaal wordt er een verrassing naar de brievenbus van mensen gestuurd, variërend van handgemaakte boeken tot gesigneerde kunstwerken en andere verzamelobjecten. Dit boek is de 14e editie van het project.
edition: 100, juli 2024
when the real world becomes a fable
‘when the real world becomes a fable‘ arose from an exploration of the process of erosion: with a focus on both caves and waterfalls. The images sprang from a fascination with the idea that something as tender, soft, nurturing and fluid as water is able to degrade and (re)shape something as solid and massive as stone formations.
edition: 30, June 2024
Upcycle book #13042022, #13102021 and 05022021
Books made from (parts of) testprints. By keeping these test prints instead of regarding them as waste these testprints become new material to work with.
edition: each book is unique, April 2022, October 2021 and February 2021
potato book
The potato book was made during a residency period at Wongema during October 2024, in preparation for the aardappelfeest. It counts with a number of contributions from all over the world, where people shared their memories, stories, and recipes, in relation to the potato. The process (never ending) showed me how humble and important the potato has been throughout my whole life, marking the different places where I lived, the friendships I developed, and the different ways we show care by preparing and sharing one same vegetable.
edition: 2, November 2024
Zine over een stoel die al vier generaties in de familie is, en die ik opnieuw heb bekleed.
edition: December 2024
This is a 'paper-by-numbers' (inspired by paint-by-numbers) book with templates to create handmade paper with mountain landscapes by painting with paper pulp.
The photographs, line drawings and 'paper-by-numbers' drawings are printed on Khadi handmade cotton paper. I traced the 'paper-by-numbers' drawings onto mesh, which can be attached to a deckle so the template can be used for forming a handmade paper sheet. In total, the book contains templates for paper pulp painting 5 different mountain landscapes, like was done on the front cover.
edition: 1, July 2024
Ingrid Fischer
Killer candy
This book expresses the love-hate relationship people can have with candy. A lot of people enjoy eating sugary treats, but it is very much not good for anyone, and in the case of diabetics, it could actually even kill them.
I melted Haribo cherries, and filled the heart halves with it. I also created 'pages' from the melted, cherries by pouring them into sheets and cutting them into the heart shape. The book was sewn together with a slipknot binding with transparent nylon thread and placed in a box for safe keeping.
This was a collaboration @hamsterwoede who helped me flesh out my idea, figure out how to successfully melt and spread out the candy, and 3d printed an anatomical heart for me (design by Cicerone on Thingiverse).
edition: 1, October 2024
Ingrid Fischer
I made this book to hold seeds from and for my 'paper garden', which is a garden where I grow plants to make handmade paper from. I wanted to make something to store the seeds of the indigenous plants that I am growing now and want to grow in the future in my paper garden.
By planting and preserving indigenous plants, I am not only creating my own material to create new books from, but I am also trying to contribute to the biodiversity of my local ecosystem.
The covers and spine are covered in handmade paper from my paper garden. The covers are made from sweet peas, and the spine is made from nasturtium.
@roeks_rariteitenkabinet graciously allowed me to use the area around her atelier to start this paper garden, and she was also the one who inspired me to start thinking about planting indigenous plants.
edition: 1, November 2024
in time
the simple act of living, passing by, lingering, stepping out and away, transforming, constantly and silently. captured in the landscape of time.
edition: 1, May 2023
Eerste Portret van Willem G.
In het voorjaar van 2024 overleed mijn vader. Hij leed hij aan dementie. Ik heb mijn vader niet goed gekend. Ik heb hem in zijn laatste jaren intensiever en vaker meegemaakt dan ooit daarvoor. Ik leerde hem beter kennen terwijl hij zichzelf steeds minder begon te kennen. Dit boek is mijn logboek van de periode na zijn overlijden. Ik heb mijn rouwen geankerd aan het maken van tweeluiken op spreads in Het Grote Rijstkookboek. Mijn vader wenste zijn tijd nuttig te besteden. Mijn vader had altijd een gezonde eetlust. Hij luste alles. Hij held enorm van snoep, ook midden in de nacht. En had ooit een prachtig handschrift. Zeer geordende administratie ook. Zanger maar geen danser. Propellerpoetser bij de BZBM & Sectiehoofd bij de BB.
Zoals allemaal (en meer) staat opgetekend in mijn boek. Ook mijn vader heeft een boek als vertaler op zijn naam staan.
edition: 1, juli, augustus & september 2024
'and rock was my pillow too'
edition: 1, oktober 2013/december 2024, waterpaint on leporello
We gathered all the artworks we made in the years 2021-2024 in this book. We both work totally different. Emily works more intuitively, Chris more systematically. This causes the collection of artworks to be very diverse. Besides a few photo's of every piece, we give here and there a description, background information or an insight in our process. We wish you lots of fun browsing through this book. Best, Chris and Emily
edition: 5, August 2024
Newspaoer by the people from Dublin for any other
the ‘nbp of dublin fao’ is the physical compilation of the collection of interviews and hand prints taken during the performance ‘seven minutes and a handprint’ as part of a residency period at the red stables in dublin in 2014.
edition: 1, 09-10/2014
Hyunsuh Kim & Selin Boyvadaoglu
There is a legend about a beast that feeds on small children lost in the forest. For generations the villagers have retold the story of how they defeated the beast. So far this is a regular fairy tale story. But this fairy tale is a story about prejudice. Entering the castle into which the beast has been banished, we see that “the monster” is simply going through its regular routine, trying to survive by feeding on the flame fruit in the forest.
Books are windows to new perspectives. Readers are invited to understand both sides of the story.
edition: 1, October 2024
Sprawling associations of memories and images, unfolding at the tip of your fingers.
edition: 1, October 2024
Jasmin Latupeirissa / strangergirlsclub
Een eerbetoon
In dit buitengewone boek krijg je een uniek kijkje in het leven en de keuken van liefhebbers van eerlijke, duurzame en lokale producten. Familie en vrienden delen persoonlijke gerechten. Je gaat van boer tot bord en leert meer over de filosofie van de marktslager, hoe ze je stimuleren puur te eten, trots te zijn op de dieren van dichtbij en dankbaar voor wat ze ons geven. Het is een eerbetoon aan de lokale eetcultuur van Groningen, van vroeger en nu, nog steeds uitermate belangrijk voor onze wereld. Een boek dat elke liefhebber van eerlijk eten op de plank moet hebben staan. Met 40 hartverwarmende verhalen en recepten.
edition: 2500, 2022
Jasmin Latupeirissa / strangergirlsclub
Look at my selfie
When I showed Rozi I was making this book, she said:
‘Why do I have graffiti on my face? Mom you can’t do that!’
The reason I made this book, is that I can finally delete all
these hundreds of Rozi’s selfie photo’s on my phone and
create more space.
Look at her quest. One year of selfies. The exploration of her own face. All the different expressions. Get to know my daughter through her selfies. The year 2023, age four.
edition: 10, April 2024
Jasmin Latupeirissa / strangergirlsclub
Sagres though my eyes
Bem-vindo on this beautiful journey to the SouthWest of Portugal: Sagres. This through my eyes - lookbook is part of the 3-part documentary sharing its name. Combining words & visuals in a poetic way, making you want to go to Sagres immediately!
edition: 6, 2024
Willy Looyen
In OOG SPIEGEL GEZICHT onderzoekt Willy Looyen de symboliek van ogen, gezichten en spiegels. De persoonlijke tekst "A Compilation of Thoughts, Notes, Associations and Memories" verkent thema’s als zien en gezien worden, met verwijzingen naar Bosch’ "Het veld heeft ogen", Lacans spiegeltheorie en het alziend oog in Benthams panopticum.
Looyens kunst is rijk aan persoonlijke en maatschappelijke reflecties. Een huidziekte veranderde de relatie met haar spiegelbeeld en leidde tot werken over schoonheid en vervreemding. Tegelijkertijd belicht ze hoe gezichtsherkenning en biometrische controle onze identiteit beïnvloeden. Door gezichten te bewerken, verhullen en transformeren, ontstaat een spanningsveld tussen zichtbaarheid en anonimiteit. Het boek onderzoekt de balans tussen onthulling en camouflage, tussen technologie en sociale identiteit. OOG SPIEGEL GEZICHT nodigt de kijker uit om na te denken over wat het betekent om te kijken, gezien te worden en jezelf te zien.
edition: 40, 4-2023
A CAUTIONARY TALE FOR THE REVOLUTIONARY & A LOVE LETTER TO MY 6-FEET-UNDER FRIENDS is about collective, political, and personal grief. It explores feelings of rage, loss, and defiant love. The book leverages on the act of memorialising, especially in terms of how to deal with death and heartache when some people are not allowed dignity or rest in their departure after facing dehumanisation in their lifetime. By doing so the publication turns into a memorial itself, highlighting the importance of holding memory and grief as an insurrectionist practice, speaking broadly to the collective through painfully private feelings.
edition: 1, April 2023
Daria Mladenović
In the Dream
With this artwork I tried to visualise a dream I had about my brother. I wanted to convey a feeling of the dream, a vauge discomfort and fear lingering in my body while I stood in my grandma's apartment, my safest place. In the dream I expected him to approach me, to calm me down but the whole time he was standing on the balcony, watching me. We were surrounded by people I've never seen, their faces blurry and disorted and his the only one I see clearly. The dream was quite short, neither of us tried to reach the other and I wonder if he was expecting me to approach him. Nevertheless, the dream contained strong emotions which I tried to express in this book, illustrating the scene with vauge details and writting a poem more focused on the feelings rather then explanations.
edition: 1, October 2024
Instagram: @ria_mu_
Daria Mladenović
Your miserabke city will never be my Home
This book is about struggling to adapt to life in a new country. The idea of the book is that it gradually destroys itself since the pages stick together and every time it is opened the paint sticks to the opposite page. The pictures of people slowly become unrecognizible which symbolizes a fear of making long lasting relathionships while studying abroad.
edition: 1, June 2024
Don’t forget to feed the dogs
I have started writing for this book since October, after starting assisting at Odensehuis. Despite the fact that I don’t speak Dutch, I really enjoyed my time there and I manage to write poems in Dutch with the people there and also write poetry in what I could understand from it. My grandfather having an advanced stage of dementia, it came as a struggle at first to be in this environment, reminding me of the time I lost and the person I never got to know. In the end I think it made be relate to him more, from being in an environment where I would feel detached and not understanding much, to translating that into tiny words that may not make sense, but still manage to create the atmosphere that I feel present with this experience.
edition: 7, 12 December 2024
In liefde en oorlog is alles geoorloofd
Een boekje over een geheime liefde, met geheimzinnige maar soms ook helemaal niet zo geheimzinnige afbeeldingen en teksten. Het nodigt de lezer uit tot kijken EN voelen.
edition: 1, 2019
Hennie Peters
Conception & zonder titel
In de werken ‘Conception’ en 'zonder titel' zoom ik in op de details van stukjes kleding, afkomstig van mijn ouders. Ik onderzoek de patronen, maar ook de slijtage en de vlekken. Alles om maar tot de kern door te dringen. Zo zoek ik ook naar de kern van de kleuren van het textiele boek, dat is gemaakt van de achterkant van een schilderij. ‘Conception’ vormde de start van mijn huidige werkproces, waarbij ik in grote textiele installaties onderzoek doe naar de relatie tussen leven en dood en tussen mijn ouders en mij.
edition: 1, 2024
My book with stuff in it
"My Book with Stuff in It" is a photo book that explores the artist's experiences and emotions about the past, present, and future. It delves into the uncertainty of life and the duality of overthinking, caught between moments of serious introspection and jumping right back to a satirical approach to existence.
edition: 1, June 2024
can i be present without being present? - remnants
Notebook notes created during the performance "can i be present without being present?" held at two events in 2023.
An active tablet/laptop and my personal visual cv on paper wandered through space as a durational interactive performance. I was online present via the laptop. We, the cv and me, are literally in the hands of the visitors. I can hear and understand the visitors. They cannot hear me. Instead they can read my answers and my questions. All what is left are the handwritten colourful notebook papers now preserved in beeswax.
edition: 1, July 2023
Zwischenbilder is een kunstenaarsboekje uitgegeven door Marian Arnd Verlag in Leipzig, Duitsland in een oplage van 50, genummerd en gesigneerd. De afbeeldingen zijn collages, samen gesteld uit plaatjes uit mijn kunstenaarsarchief. Sommige delen zijn als sticker met de hand ingeplakt.
edition: 50, 2024
Black shape
This book is made with a coffeebeansack made out of hessian cloth printed with ink (29,5 x21cm).
edition: 1, 2023
Ealse and Swan
A visual story with (photo)collage drawings about the life on the farm of my grandparents Ealse & Janke in Friesland. After the death of the eldest daughter, a wild swan arrived on the farm and became close friends with Ealse.
edition: 1, 12-2024
Conversations (pilot version)
The book is a pilot version of a publication of the Conversations Comic project, in which people are invited to interpret, speculate and invent the conversation taking place in an 8 panel comic. The contributions are then compiled in a publication. It is an experiment in text, image and interpretation.
edition: 2, December 2024
Linn Andree, Yewon Cho, Kiva Mitrea, Nerea Nogales & Lila Veloo
Salt as a lens to observe
What happens when our living rooms get flooded by the water of the sea? Will our thoughts be perserved by the salinty content of the seawater? How do we move in a space filled with crystallized concepts, ideas and memories? This archival publication is an extension of our project "Salt as a lens to observe", which was a collective exhibition shown at Stichting WEP, part of the SEEN#19 programme.
edition: 1, December 2024; it's a continuous project
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