Our third live reading was on Thursday 23rd of April, we are happy to introduce Lisa Smithson. A brief description by Lisa about what she was presenting:
''For years I have been using the restricted structure of the Japanese poetry form, the haiku. I do not strictly follow all haiku protocol, I have employed specifically the form;
First line = five syllables
Second line = seven syllables
Third line = five syllables.
In the haikus possibly addressed will be: ease, potatoes, internal discomfort and illusion. The presentation form will possibly be a game of sorts.''
Lisa Smithson, April 2020
During the reading of her last haiku, the connection failed.
Hereby the written version of it:
Uncertainty's back
where it belongs, our future
was always unknown
Facebook event: Performative Live Reading #3: Lisa Smithson
Poster design: Eleni Tsompanidou